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  • Writer's pictureKyla Ilic

Five Tips To Being More Creative

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Creativity is a powerful tool that stimulates new ideas and perspectives. It’s about taking concepts and a little imagination to generate solutions. Acting on creativity helps us perceive the world in refreshing new ways. Creativity isn’t a hobby but a lifestyle we can all embrace.

Start by defining your creative intent.

Whether you’re a dancer, gardener, designer, software developer, chef, business owner, photographer, or writer, define yourself and own it. Perhaps you’re not entirely sure yet who you are and that’s okay too, continue to be curious enough to find out. No matter how many times you might fail at figuring this out, never falter from the path of living a creative life.

We see creativity commonly expressed in the form of the arts or technology, but you don’t have to have an artistic background or know coding to be creative. Everybody can be creative; you need to find an outlet that brings it out. The key is to find your source of inspiration and apply it.

Children are brilliant examples of the power of imagination, using the world around them to unleash their creative potential while learning in dynamic new ways. I love watching them build mighty castles or forts and imagine pinecones as mystical communication devices. Play is fueled by curiosity and if nurtured, can grow into creative problem-solving strategies. I’ve learned over the years that being curious about life is the secret ingredient to problem-solving. So stay curious, my friends.

Here are five tips to help you boost your creativity.

1. Embrace new experiences: The more things you try, the more likely you will gain different perspectives. Take a course on something that would improve your skillset and learn all you can from it. For example, an artist may experiment with different styles of painting or color combinations to create a unique piece of art.

2. Surround yourself with creative people: Spend time with people who inspire you and push you to think differently. Ask for some feedback to help you identify areas for improvement. Learn what it takes to grow and develop in your field of interest. It’s scary stepping out of your comfort zone but worthwhile when you do it.

3. Take breaks: Stepping away from a project or task provides a fresh perspective and helps you to approach things with a new mindset (mental note: highlight and reread your advice :-P ). Take the time to recharge. Make an effort to schedule breaks throughout the week.

4. Keep a journal: Writing down your thoughts and ideas as they come to you can be a great way to capture your creativity and build upon it later. Find the space or things that help you clear your mind and integrate them into your day. Recharge your ideas and ask, “What am I curious about? And why are things the way they are? Could I get excited about this?”

5. Experiment: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. The cognitive process of learning something new is essential to unlocking your creativity. Experimenting is part of the creative process. Play around with new techniques, materials, or methods, and allow yourself to make mistakes. A musician may experiment with chord progressions or instrument combinations to create a unique sound. A writer may experiment with different narrative structures or writing styles to bring a fresh voice to their work. Try something different and see where it takes you.

And remember: Be okay with making mistakes because you’ll become better acquainted with yourself and your strengths in life.

Creativity is a muscle that can be developed and strengthened with practice. Embrace your imagination and let it take you on a journey. When we allow ourselves the time to grow and flourish, the creative genius will appear.

“The creative adult is the child who has survived.”

~ Ursula K. Le Guin.

Now, go out there and become curious about life.



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